Minoshirakawa Bakuhanseki Corporation
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- Minoshirakawa Bakuhanseki Corporation
We are the only company in Japan that mines and processes Maifan stone (bakuhanseki,) which has been long used in Chinese medicine.
Company name
Minoshirakawa Bakuhanseki Corporation
Main products
- Maifan stone products (bakuhanseki for water purification purposes, powdered bakuhanseki for face cleansing and bath, bakuhanseki soil activator and liquid soap)
- Tomato juice
Shigeharu Santo
5608 Shirakawa-cho Kurokawa Kamo-gun, Gifu 505-1431 JAPAN
JPY 17,500,000
Business description
Maifan stone (bakuhanseki,) mining, manufacturing and sales of Maifan stone products.
Maifan stone is a type of special mineral rock that has weathered uniquely and contains soluble mineral elements such as calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, copper and selenium. Pale yellowish brown Maifan stone contains white feldspars and grey quartz crystals. Its appearance looks similar to barley rice ball, and this is why Maifan stone are called “bakuhanseki.”
Domestic sales
Approximately 30 tons per year annually
Overseas sales
Experience in exporting 2 tons of bakuhanseki to Taiwan