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Keeping sake cool and tasty, these drinking vessels are an offering of hospitality.

The name YU LA RI stands for “You Love Relaxation.” With this unique product, it is possible to chill Japanese sake without thinning it by melting ice. Just pour sake into the vessel, place the cup with some ice on top of the vessel, and wait for 3 minutes. YULARI helps you show your hospitality by offering the same good taste to the end. Sit back and enjoy your sake! The cups can be stored in the body of the vessel.


Yamaryo Yokoi Pottery Studio

Company Information

Product Information

Material: Pottery

180mL: 111 × 89 × H 110 mm
360mL: 117 × 90 × H 120 mm

Color: white, black, red, Bizen, Iga
