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Round, gentle, and efficient!
A new type of tweezers - NOOK

The NOOK looks like a popsicle stick. It has a round tip with a 9mm diameter. The circular edge offers a gentle touch to the skin, allowing hair to be safely removed from the root in delicate areas or even in hard-to-see areas of the body. The tweezers work well at any angle due to this roundness, which guarantees superior comfort for use. Once the surface structures catch a hair between them, they never release it. The key is the “flexibility” achieved by the original manufacturing process. It enables users to pull out a hair completely every time. The NOOK comes in a size that just fits in your hands with a comfortable texture.



Company Information

Product Information

Material: stainless steel SUS-XM7
Size: W 9.4 x L 95 x T 11.4 mm
Color: white, gray, pink, blue


Won the Good Design Award 2009
