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Mino Shirakawacha Green Tea Bag with a String

Fragrant Shirakawa tea bags that are perfect for a single serving

This tea bag with a string allows you to enjoy a single serving of Shirakawa tea instantly. The nylon tea bag allows for easy infusion of the tea. As a long string is attached, it can be conveniently used in a tall mug. Pour in 200mL - 300mL of boiled water. This tea bag is perfect for making tea at work break or on a trip or outing.
JPY 400


Masubuchi-en Co., Ltd.

Company Information

Product Information

Weight: 30g
Contents: 15 bags
Package size: 120 × 215 × 45mm
Expiration date: one year


- If pouring hot water before it cools, the bitterness will be enhanced.
- Adjust the temperature of the hot water, the amount of tea leaves, and the infusion time to suit your taste.
- Store away from high temperature/humid conditions to avoid taking on the flavor of other foods around it.
- Consume tea leaves as soon as possible after opening, regardless of the expiration date.
