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  • Boujimaya Junmai Super Dry Ikkai Hiire (single heating) 720mL


Boujimaya Junmai Super Dry Ikkai Hiire (single heating) 720mL

Boujimaya original “super dry” sake

Boujimaya’s typical rich and dry sake. It features a strong taste that is not overpowered by oil-rich foods like grilled meat. Based on the concept “producing sake that matches modern cuisine,” Tokoro Shuzo has created sake that goes well with various world cuisines, not only traditional Japanese foods. This Junmai (pure rice) Super Dry Ikkai Hiire (single heating) is perfect for grilled beef or grilled chicken. Enjoy the tastes that vary with the temperature (5°C - 60 °C) and aging. It is especially tasty on the rocks in the summer.


Tokoro Shuzo Limited Partnership Company

Company Information

Product Information

Volume: 720mL
Ingredients: rice, rice malt, water
Alcohol content: 17.3%
Nihonshudo (Sake Meter Value): +10
Percentage of rice milling: 65%
Taste: super dry


- This dry-type sake goes well with meat dishes.
- Store away from direct sunlight and hot/humid conditions.
