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Daruma Masamune 20-year Aged Sake 720 mL

Slowly and gradually aged in the brewery
Every drop reflects the time passed by.

This pure rice, aged sake is the densest type of Daruma Masamune aged sake. This sake has marked the passage of time in our serene brewery. This sake features a complex, deep flavor. It tastes sweet, but has an inner fortitude. Blending two different 20-year aged sakes draws out the well-balanced taste. It takes much time and effort to find out which sake to brew and how to brew it in order to achieve this color as aging progresses. It also requires a master brewer’s experience and skill. This sake is special to Shiraki Tsunesuke, where we have been committed to making aged sake for over 40 years.
JPY 10,000



Company Information

Product Information

Volume: 720 mL
Ingredients: rice, rice malt (material rice is 100% domestically produced), water
Alcohol content: 18%


- Several types of 20-year aged sake are blended in a balanced way.
- Although we recommend that you to drink it at room temperature or lukewarm rather than cooled or on the rocks, please enjoy it as you desire.
- It is shelf stable.
- Store in a cool and dark place after opening. Once opened, please consume as soon as possible.
- When left unopened, it continues to age over years.
- It is preferable to store it upright.
- There may be some sediment; however, it does not affect the quality.
