Bakuhan Gravel Powder
Healing effects from nature
Adding two tablespoons of Bakuhan Gravel Powder to your bath could improve thermal effects and keep you warm longer. Make a paste by adding some cold water or lukewarm water and use it as a face cleansing mask. Repeated use of this mask may brighten your skin.
JPY 1,600
Minoshirakawa Bakuhanseki Corporation
Silicon dioxide 69.76%
Aluminum oxide 14.01%
Magnesium oxide 3.55%
Potassium oxide 3.19%
Sodium oxide 3.16%
Calcium oxide 2.00%
Ferrous oxide 1.40%
Ferric oxide 1.29%
Titanium oxide 0.30%
Phosphorus pentoxide 0.26%
Manganese oxide 0.02%
Combined water 1.06%